Sunday, March 14, 2010

More Registry Info

Hello Again

We've added another store to our Registry.

We are now officially Registered at Dillard's. Yay!

Spike & Tasha

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"How We Met" Story Added!

Hi Everyone

We've now added the Story of How Tasha and I Met to this Site - Click Here to Read it!

It's a very heartwarming story, filled with twists and turns at every moment, with a surprise ending that you have got to see!

Spike & Tasha

Wedding Info Added!

Hi Everyone

We've now added all the Wedding Info, which is located on our Wedding Info Page - Click Here to Go to that Page!

Don't forget to RSVP by March 20th!

Spike & Tasha

Dress Code

Hi Everyone

A lot of people have been asking us, "what's the dress code for the wedding?" I typically tell people that I'm wearing a tuxedo, which apparently isn't as funny an answer as I thought it was.

Anyway, because this wedding is a formal affair, we are asking that our guests come in formal attire. This could mean a tuxedo/dress suit or evening gown, or slacks and a sports jacket and tie, or one of your really nice dresses...something along those lines.

You'll know why we want everyone looking their best when you arrive (hint hint).

Please no jeans, shorts or sandals (yes, flip-flops count as sandals). I know this is Myrtle Beach, but resist the urge. If I can't wear shorts, nobody can.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Welcome to

Hi Everyone

Welcome to, the official site for all things related to Spike loving Tasha, and vice-versa.

I am, literally as you read this, putting together the final touches on the site design, and will soon have up all of our registry information, venue information, and much more!

Thanks for visiting!

Spike & Tasha